The dreaded tax season. Each year I get better and better with organization of my taxes. It takes a lot of time to keep clean books and records. I spent way too many hours yesterday going back in my statements and recording everything. I am committing to not getting behind this year - each week, or atleast each month I will track all of my spending/earnings so that when 2026 rolls around it will be even easier. I LOVE having my own business, but it can get all consuming. I luckily have a great team helping me and that is essential. However, I also have to be on top of what is a business expense as an artist, tracking my car miles, travel, etc. I will say due to this meticulous work I am on top of my finances which is a good thing, BUT I also always feel the burden of tax season. I got QuickInn this year (thanks Mom), we will see how that changes the experience. It tracks all of my accounts earnings/spendings and I can categorize it all to fall under the brackets I need. Still figuring out how to work it, so I will keep you posted on the ease of the system. Alright, with that being said go forth fellow artists/business owners and I wish you a calm tax season.